To Place an Order
To place an order with us, please choose one of the methods below. The link at the bottom of each catalog page will bring up your default browser with catalog number in place. Please specify if you would like changes in color or size of item. Changes may influence pricing. Please be aware that our items are all custom made, so finished product may vary slightly from the photos on this site.
Items can be ordered using the PayPal shopping cart at the bottom of each item page. It is possible to change the color and glass type of each item by adding what you would like into the comment box. Item size cannot be changed using the shopping carts. For that you will need to contact us directly, because it may change the item's price.
Payment Information
Payments can be made by personal check or money orders. Credit cards are only accepted through PayPal at this time, so please do not send any credit card information to us. Orders over $50.00 may require a deposit.
You can reach us Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8AM to 4PM. Our number is local to the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area. Please ask for Jeanine. Thank you.
(262) 257-0081
Contact Us
Have a question or comment? Your input is important to us.